Monday, November 26, 2012

Why We Need More Green Energy Resources

I have made a Squidoo lens that goes into the different types of alternative energy and the pros and cons of using these in our homes and businesses. No matter what side of the alternative energy debate you stand on, this world will not last for ever the way we are going. If we stay on this path, there will be nothing left for our grandchildren's children.

Scary stuff, but only if you think about it!

Here's what's available so far...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Alternative Home Energy - Using Clean Energy in Your Home

Reducing your Carbon Footprint in Your Own Home

There are only two ways to stop your energy costs from escalating in your home. You can either use less energy by using energy saving appliances, or you can opt for alternative home energy to power your existing appliances. Doing both will deliver you even greater savings.

So what are the different types of alternative home energy? By far the most popular and most practical at the moment is solar power. The sun's energy is captured using a series of solar panels and converted into electricity. Any excess energy can be stored in a battery.

Some homes make use of wind turbines to drive an electrical generator. This is most practical in windy areas. Wind energy is free and clean at the same time.

Any discussion on home energy would not be complete without reference to bio-diesel for vehicles. Made from vegetable oil, it produces no harmful gasses. At the moment bio-diesel powered vehicles are still in an experimental stage.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Global Warming - What Are the Real Facts?

Do You Think That Global Warming is a Myth?

Although the push for environmentally friendly energy is a growing trend, there are those who believe in the global warming myth and are convinced that global warming is simply a natural cycle and that man has no impact whatsoever on the environment.

There are also large corporations who have a vested interest in perpetuating the global warming myth. These bodies include the large mining companies and others whose livelihoods depend on the world's continuing use of fossil fuels.

Regardless of where you stand in this ongoing debate, being environmentally friendly will benefit you by saving you money, both on your power bills and at the gas pump. Sometimes you'll have to make an initial investment, such as installing solar panels or purchasing a hybrid vehicle, however these expenses can be quickly recouped and the ongoing savings will make any such investment worthwhile.

Arguments on the global warming myth will continue to rage, but you can be saving money on your energy whether you believe in global warming or not.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Green Energy – What Are the Different Types?

What is greenenergy? There are many people who still don't fully understand what this type of energy is and why we need it. Alternative energy is any type of energy that is sustainable and is fully renewable. Examples of these are solar, wind, water (hydro), biomass and geo-thermal.

Alternative energy will eventually take over from the mainstream sources such as coal and gas which are non-renewable and are fast becoming too hard to extract, not to mention too expensive. For now, however, they remain on the fringe due to the fact that many of them are still in the experimental stage, or they are expensive to set up.

Solar power is one alternative energy that is probably most used in domestic homes. In sunny climates solar panels can generate quite a lot of energy which can be stored in batteries if unused. Excess solar energy can also be sold back to the electricity grid. Solar panels are expensive to install, despite government grants, so should be viewed as a long term investment.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What Are the Human Causes of Climate Change?

These days the world is divided into two camps; those who believe in the devastating effects of greenhouse gas emissions and those who think it's a huge fuss about nothing. So who is wrong and who is right?
Only the future will reveal that, however there is growing evidence that greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming effects such as climate change and global warming.

Whether you believe in the effects of greenhouse gas emissions or not, there is no escaping the fact that our major source of fuel, coal and gas, are fast running out and there has to be some other reliable sources of energy to replace them.
Alternative energies such as solar, gas, geothermal and tidal energy are being used in a small way, but there needs to be a greater political and public awareness of the need for these alternative types of energy and funds made available for their development.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Geothermal Energy - Energy From the Earth Itself

Most people are familiar with solar power and wind power, but there are different types of alternative energy that are not as well known that are fast rising in popularity. Alternative energy means using energy that is not sourced from fossil fuels such as coal and gas, so it's important to always explore new sources as fossil fuels are polluting our planet.

One of these different types of alternative energy is called ocean thermal energy conversion. Despite it's long name, this type of energy is simply produced from the difference in temperature between shallow and deep sea water.

Geothermal energy is energy that comes from deep within the earth itself. It is more available in certain parts of the world where the hot rock, called magma, is nearer to the earth's surface. Geothermal magma first needs to be located by drilling down into the rock and then pumped to the surface.

Many different types of alternative energy are still being explored. However, in the not too distant future, they will be taking over from our coal and gas fired power plants.